
Limbs Immobilization Device

eaSyFix it is a platform designed for accurate immobilization of limbs. It has 5 cushions markers and several indexing areas for thermoplastic masks for a correct customization of the immobilization to the anatomy of each patient. This allows a high precision in the repositioning during the limb treatment.

Main Features

  • Compatible with anchor push-pins masks.
  • Manufactured of non-artefactant and low attenuation materials.
  • Includes 5 indexing cushions markers.
  • Its special configuration allows the indexation of masks and cushions to the equipment, allowing it to be customized to the patient’s anatomy.
  • Its extensive configuration options make it a very versatile device.
  • eaSyFix

Aviable eXaCast Accuracy Masks:

  • FEET.
  • LEG.
  • KNEE.
  • ARM.




Limbs Immobilization Device

eaSyFix it is a platform designed for accurate immobilization of limbs. It has 5 cushions markers and several indexing areas for thermoplastic masks for a correct customization of the immobilization to the anatomy of each patient. This allows a high precision in the repositioning during the limb treatment.

Main Features

  • Compatible with anchor push-pins masks.
  • Manufactured of non-artefactant and low attenuation materials.
  • Includes 5 indexing cushions markers.
  • Its special configuration allows the indexation of masks and cushions to the equipment, allowing it to be customized to the patient’s anatomy.
  • Its extensive configuration options make it a very versatile device.
  • eaSyFix

Aviable eXaCast Accuracy Masks:

  • FEET.
  • LEG.
  • KNEE.
  • ARM.