HybridCast SRS Masks

eXaCast Thermoplastic Masks

HybridCast SRS  masks are made of eXaCast Accuracy® thermoplastic. These hybrid masks are made of an upper thermoplastic precut of 2 mm thick combined with 1 mm non-perforated reinforcement.

These masks are compatible with Elekta’s SRS system (Fraxion):

  • SRS mask 3 points head S.
  • SRS mask 3 points head L.
  • SRS mask 3 points head L compatible with SGRT.



HybridCast SRS Masks

eXaCast Thermoplastic Masks

HybridCast SRS masks are made of eXaCast Accuracy® thermoplastic. These hybrid masks are made of an upper thermoplastic precut of 2 mm thick combined with 1 mm non-perforated reinforcement.

These masks are compatible with Elekta’s SRS system (Fraxion):

  • SRS mask 3 points head S
  • SRS mask 3 points head L
  • SRS mask 3 points head L compatible with SGRT